Five LEGO Sticker Books

Love LEGOs and stickers? These books are made for fans of both of these fun hobbies! These sticker books tell a story or share facts using LEGO stickers. Encourage reading, logical thinking, and a love for those fun and educational building bricks with these great LEGO sticker books! Here are five of our favorites.

1 The LEGO Movie Ultimate Sticker Collection

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Follow the characters from the LEGO movie with this fun sticker book. This 96-page book features over 1000 stickers that can be used over and over.

2 LEGO Star Wars: Minifigures Sticker Collection

Found on Amazon – See more in LEGO Star Wars Minifigures

Learn about iconic characters from the Star Wars saga with this fun sticker book. The 96-page book comes with over 1000 reusable LEGO Star Wars minifigure stickers.

3 Escape from LEGO City Sticker Storybook

Found on Amazon – See more in LEGO City

This is a short storybook for younger LEGO fans. The 16-page book tells a LEGO City story using over 90 stickers from the popular LEGO series. Find the crooks in this action-packed sticker storybook!

4 LEGO Minifigures Ultimate Sticker Collection

Found on Amazon – See more in LEGO Minifigures

This big book comes with over 1000 stickers of LEGO minifigures. Read about the characters as you place the stickers where they belong. This is a highly rated sticker book that users recommend for road trips and gifting!

5 LEGO Friends Ultimate Sticker Collection

Found on Amazon – See more in LEGO Friends

This is another high-quality LEGO sticker book featuring over 1000 reusable stickers. You'll get stickers featuring the LEGO Friends characters and their accessories, adorable pets, and favorite places.

Updated! LEGO Star Wars Figures Encyclopedia

This book is hot off the press! LEGO Star Wars Character Encyclopedia: Updated and Expanded will be published with updated information on April 28, 2015. This book is the most complete encyclopedia of LEGO Star Wars minifigures ever! Pre-order today to get your copy.

LEGO Batman Halloween Costumes

Relive the fun of the LEGO Batman Movie, the 2017 hit, with Halloween costumes inspired by the adventure film. Pick up costumes for the whole family to make a unique and recognizable toy and superhero inspired group costume.

LEGO Klutz Chain Reactions Kit Book

Make your own Rube Goldberg creations out of LEGO with this awesome instruction book from Klutz. The book comes with some LEGO pieces and other non-LEGO elements like string, paper, funnels, marbles, and more -- all to make the most awesome chain-reaction builds.

Five Inspiring LEGO Books for LEGO Lovers

Have a lot of LEGO bricks and want some inspiration? These books all feature unique build ideas for making your own LEGO creations. Get inspired by the beautiful photography and new build ideas found in these LEGO books.